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The City
Carpenters, stone masons, plumbers, and maybe tinkers and tailors, all came to this Medieval City with it’s emerging Cathedral where nothing much had been before.
This was the busiest place from 1220. Workers and their families came to live and to work. They built their homes, the Cathedral and their own church, called St. Thomas of Canterbury. This church became the worker’s Guild Church and also the Mayor and corporation’s church. It is well worth a visit as it no longer is a wooden “chapelet”, but a truly magnificent church with a very unusual “Doom” painting. The market place thrived as well, as everyone had to eat. The creation of the advanced watering system made Salisbury the “Venice of the South”. Little rivulets existed in each road. The grid system of roads were known as “Chequers” and there were 21 of them, each with their own name. Much of the Medieval City can still be seen, but thankfully, these rivulets were closed in the 1800’s as they were causing serious outbreaks of cholera. Come along and see the original Medieval buildings, take a long look at the “Doom” painting, and buy something from our award winning Charter Market held on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Or maybe peruse and purchase something from one of our unique independent shops or cafes.
Tour Costs
Our tour costs are based on a number of different factors including group size, location, transportation costs and more. We aim to offer bespoke tour packages that can include multiple tours and take place over half or full days. Please get in touch to find out more information about booking a tour with Salisbury Chequered History Guides.
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Please get in touch by either calling us on 07880917179 or you can send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.