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The People
From a “murdered” Knight, a beheaded Duke to a Nobel Laureate, all who have lived here and walked these streets have left their marks on Salisbury. In fact the beheaded Duke left blood stains, or so it is believed, in the King’s House which is now Salisbury Museum. The beheaded Duke was charged with treason by none other than King Richard 111 and was then parted from his head. The “murdered” knight was the crusader William Longespee. He was at the laying of the foundation stones of Salisbury Cathedral and was the first to be buried in a tomb inside the cathedral in 1226. His tale is one of intrigue and romance and his tomb is still visible in the cathedral. William Golding taught and wrote in Salisbury and his novel, “Lord of the Flies”, both enthrals and horrifies in equal measure. Who else left a mark here in this Cathedral City? Novelists, Poets, musicians, a Prime Minister, and a Russian Spy, to name but a few!
Tour Costs
Our tour costs are based on a number of different factors including group size, location, transportation costs and more. We aim to offer bespoke tour packages that can include multiple tours and take place over half or full days. Please get in touch to find out more information about booking a tour with Salisbury Chequered History Guides.
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Please get in touch by either calling us on 07880917179 or you can send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.